Friday, November 23, 2012

Imakta Family

After passed the written test, interview test, Diksar, and this is Diklan. We're going to Strawberry Camp, Puncak Raya to implement the Diklan. That three days was very amazing, unforgettable moments. I'm so glad to be the part of them :). I feel, we're so close. Like a family...

I am a Mediners, and I'm so glad for it :)

Let's make M for MEDIN !!! :D

Yesterday is our first meeting...

Today is Party Ganjil Imakta 2012. I really want to join. But I can't..
I had survive, I won't quit from Imakta, no matter if my parents and my family disallow me to join the organization.
I'm so happy to be the part of them. Feel like it was a dreaming home. With the tranquility and peaceness. The peoples very kind. I can't leave them :(

Monday, November 19, 2012

If Fairy Tale Was Exist...

Do you know how its feel to get rejected by everyone?
Do you think how its feel, if you must leave all the things that you loved much?
And when you have tried so hard, you must leave all the things that you've tried?

I know it. Yeah, I know it. It's so hurt. The scars isn't as hurt as those damn things.
I believe in happiness, but why? Why I never get the happiness?
The only happiness for me is him. I didn't need someone perfect, or what. What I need is someone who can perfectly complete my life, with all of his strengths or weaknesses.
Is fairy tale exist? I don't know. But I really wish it was exist..
I will break the rules, face the consequence, and face everyone who ignored me. And show them, who I really am.

You're my inspiration, my only strength. I wish you were here, supporting me to face this world. I didn't want to see you sad, that's why I'm lying. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I wish everything will be okay. I can't stand a fight with you :(. Someday you'll understand...

Doesn't matter when, it's always a good time then. Doesn't matter where, it's always a good time there ~
Yeah, I believe that. And I wish I will passed my problems. Wish me luck, dear :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This Is The Beautiful Life ♥

This is the beautiful life, when we can share each other. We could be together as we're now. And I don't want to forget all of those memories. To be with you all is what I desired...

This is our photograph when we play Ice Skate on Ice Rink, Taman Anggrek Mall :)

I want to passed my young life with you all guys. I remember all the times we shared each other, laugh together, smile together. It's all the best things I had until this time...

We're wearing Angry Birds T-Shirt. A weird thing, but I'm so happy to be weird with you all, guys :D

We're smiling together, have fun together. We were meant to be together. As long as we could :)

We're hanging out together, everywhere!! Love you guys. And this is our group girlband. LOL!! ;)

Yup, this is our group boyband. LOL!! They're cool and awesome..

And we're collaborating as you can see...

This is the part of us, FRM. We're as crazy as you can see ;)

We gave suprise to Riki when he celebrate his 18th birthday.

We gave a surprise too for Janice, on her 17th birthday.

Between all of those memories with all of my friends, there were someone special on it 

Life is a climb, and when you reach the top, the view is great. The best things of this life is knowing that we're meant to be together, as long as its possible. And soon I hopes that everything will last forever.. All those sweet memories with you 

My life becomes brighter when I'm with him. I didn't have a word to describe it, there's too much good time that I spent when I'm around him..

“Remember what things make you special and embrace those because there are so many things that aren’t on the outside that are so important and people find so beautiful.” - Miley Cyrus

For a long time, I've been feeling the pain, misery, and sadness. But you came into my life, and changed everythings. Everything is be better than before. I wish we'll be together until the end of time. Because for me, you're the best things on my life. The precious gift from God. God was amazing! He knew my needs, and He gives me you, that always encourage me. Thanks for being here for me 

And that's all the story about my new life on the university. I hopes we'll never forget this time when we're working or until we're old. We gonna remember this time. Love you guys, FRM 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Gue tau, gue emang bukan orang yang sempurna, ga selamanya gue bisa selalu ngikutin apa yang lu suruh, apa yang lu mau. Kali ini maaf, kalo gue bener2 ngeberontak, gue terlalu jujur tanpa mikirin perasaan lu. Tapi semuanya karna gue cape tetep berusaha jadi seperti yang lu mau, tanpa mikirin apa yang gue butuhkan dan gue mau. Hidup gue terasa datar kalo gue tetep cuma ngikutin jalan yang lu kasih, tanpa gue mengexplore sendiri siapa sesungguhnya diri gue. Pada akhirnya lu cuma bisa diem, gue ga tau apa yang lu pikirin waktu lu terdiam. Apakah lu benci sama gue, atau lu kangen gue yang dulu, atau apalah, gue ga tau, cuma lu yang tau.

Ada saatnya dimana lu mesti ngerti, waktu udah berputar, dan lu mesti ngerti kalo nantinya gue berubah karna waktu dan karna gue udah beranjak dewasa dan gue udah punya jalan berpikir, cara, dan hidup gue sendiri. Apa lu ga rela kehilangan diri gue yang dulu atau gimana, gue juga ga ngerti. Gue pengen nelusurin hati lu, buat tau apa yang lu rasain, dan gue pengen nelusurin pikiran lu, biar gue tau apa yang selalu lu pikirin tentang gue.

Apa lu ga sayang sama gue? Gue yakin lu pasti sayang sama gue, tapi ga bisakah lu mengerti keinginan gue? Simple kok, gue cuma pengen lu ngerti aja, gue mau nentuin jalan hidup gw sendiri, emang masih perlu diarahin juga sama lu, tapi buka berarti lu yg mendominasi hidup gue. Kalo lu bisa berubah seperti itu, gue akan jauh lebih menghargainya.

Gue cuma manusia biasa yang ga bisa ngapa-ngapain, gue cuma bisa berharap sama Tuhan, kalo jalan gue dilancarkan, dan segalanya akan baik adanya. Gue berharap Tuhan bisa ngebantu gue buat bikin mama ngerti, dan bikin mama tetep sayang sama gue tanpa ada perang dingin kayak gini. Gue cape, selalu nyimpen segalanya sendiri, dimana arti sebuah keluarga kalo gue ga bisa berbagi sama mereka? Apa gunanya gue berada dalem keluarga kalo gue mesti ngestuck di diri gue sendiri, tanpa ada support dari mereka, cuma ada pressure dari mereka. Gue harap Tuhan bisa bantu ngerevolusi keluarga gue menjadi lebih baik lagi.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Gw udah ga inget kapan terakhir gw ngerasain yang namanya kebebasan sebelumnya. Baru belakangan ini setelah gw udah kuliah, terpisah dari orang tua dan adik gw karna jarak, gw baru mulai bisa ngerasain kebebasan lagi. Gw cape dianggep kayak anak kecil terus, gw udah gede, udah kuliah, gw mau lah diperlakukan layaknya orang yang udah dewasa. Gw bisa bedain mana yg bener dan mana yg salah, gw ngerti apa jalan yang gw pilih, meski terkadang emang ga semuanya berjalan mulus. Tp gw pengen dihargain, pengen dikasih kebebasan layaknya orang lain. Layaknya temen-temen gw. Dan soal urusan cinta, suka, benci atau apapun, gw rasa itu wajar-wajar aja, karna gw udah gede, udah ngerti cinta, udah tau apa itu sakit hati, dan gw udah lebih mengerti hidup.

Gw pengen kayak temen temen gw yg laen, yg bisa cerita sama nyokapnya layaknya sahabat, sedangkan gw? Gw ga pernah berani cerita sama nyokap, karna gw tau nantinya gw bakalan diomelin, bakalan disalahin, dll deh. Gw pengen cerita k nyokap, apa aja yang pernah gw jalanin selama ini, seneng sedihnya gw menjadi seorang remaja, tapi gw ga pernah bisa. Gw pengen dipeluk sama nyokap, gw pengen disayang layaknya anak kecil yang mau disayang sama mamanya, gw juga pengen itu semua. Gw bersyukur, dengan sifat mama yg agak keras sama gw, gw ga jadi cewek yg manja, gw bisa jadi cewek yang mandiri, dan gw bukan jadi cewek penakut, tapi pemberani dan emang gw tumbuh menjadi seorang cewek yang bisa dibilang agak tomboy, tapi gw juga pengen dimanja sesekali :'(.

Gw pengen cerita sama mama, tentang orang baru yang gw temuin di kampus, seseorang yang bisa memotivasi gw, yg bisa bikin gw tersenyum, gw pengen berbagi sama mama, pengen minta pendapat mama, pengen curhat, pengen cerita, dsb deh. Tapi gw bingung, nyali gw slalu ciut kalo mau cerita sama mama. Kapan mama bisa jadi open minded? Kapan mama bisa ga terlalu overprotective? Gw emang cewek satu-satunya, gw ngerti kenapa dy ngejaga gw banget, tapi gw pengen punya kehidupan yang sama layaknya temen-temen gw. Bukan berarti gw mau ngikutin jalan sesat, gw cuma butuh pengertian, keterbukaan, itu doang yg gw butuhin....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Welcome to My Life

You may see, that I always smile, look like a strong girl from the outside, but everyone didn't know, who I really am. My life always full of tears, problem, but I keep smiling for the others. I never want the others know about my pain, I'll passed it alone.

I hate to falling in love, because I hate to be fall, and I hate to be hurted more. I want to live without love, but I can't help it. I'm just an ordinary girl, that will always falling in love again and again. Even though I know, that maybe I'll be hurted again.

On the home, I feel it's like on hell, but I can't help it. Too much pressure, overprotected, possesive and many more, I always feel that pain. But I keep being strong, didn't want to give up. I ignore the others, and be a quiet person in the house. I doing my world, playing, gaming, listening to music, designing, singing and many more, just to makes me more comfortable in the house. But I keep quiet, I didn't want to talk. And this is the real me, I may be talkative on the outside, but I really quiet and don't care about anything on the home.

The last things that you must know about me, I'm easily falling in love, but hard to forget it. And my heart was fragile, easily broken. I hopes someday I'll find someone that will love me as the way I am, and accept anything about me. But I know, it'll be someday...

Motivasi Diri : Berani Maju

Hidup itu penuh dengan warna. Ada kalanya kita dapat merasa bahagia, sedih, kesal, kecewa, tetapi semua itu pasti akan kita lalui seiring waktu yang berjalan. Hidup itu bagaikan roda yang terus berputar, berputar tiada henti dan tanpa arah yang menentu. Begitu pula dengan hidup kita, kadang kita akan berada di atas, dan akan juga berada di bawah. Kita akan merasa senang, dan kita juga akan merasakan sebuah kesedihan, semuanya tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapi hidup kita. Bagaimana kita menerima hadiah yang berharga yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan kepada kita. Selalu berpikir positif adalah hal yang akan menyelamatkan kita dan selalu bersyukur pun akan membuat kita lebih menghargai hidup yang kita punya. Dan selalu tersenyum dalam mencapai semua permasalahan dalam hidup kita, niscaya permasalahan itu akan hilang dengan sendirinya karena ia merasa kita tidak dapat digoyahkan.

Tidak setiap permasalahan dapat kita hadapi, tetapi jangan jadikan permasalahan sebagai alasan diri kita untuk mundur atau hanya bertahan pada keadaan yang ada sekarang ini. "Life must go on", kita harus dapat maju, sekalipun keadaan mencoba membawa kita mundur. Kita harus berani melawan arus dan ombak yang akan menghempaskan diri kita. Berjalanlah, dan majulah seakan tidak ada badai yang menghadang. Beranilah mengambil resiko dan tetap mencoba, jangan menyerah. Menyerah tidak dapat menyelesaikan suatu masalah, tapi menyerah adalah tanda kalau kita benar-benar gagal, tanpa harapan. Lebih baik kita mencoba terlebih dahulu, meski nantinya mungkin kita akan gagal, tetapi kita akan mendapatkan pelajaran yang sangat berharga dari sebuah kegagalan itu. Kegagalan itu akan menjadi guru bagi kita, dan pasti kita akan berhasil dengan belajar dari kegagalan yang sebelumnya.

Mulailah memotivasi diri kita untuk tetap maju, jangan biarkan badai menghalangi langkah kita untuk maju. Tapi tunjukkan pada dunia, kita adalah orang yang memiliki prinsip dan teguh pada pendirian kita ^^

Friday, August 31, 2012

My Life on University

Welcome to my new life, university life! :)

I'm studying accounting at Tarumanagara University Economy Faculty, West Jakarta. Hello anyone, my name is Melisa ^^. I had many wishes, I like to writing some short stories, poem, and many more. I think my talent was on literature I like to singing too, sometimes I like to writing some love quotes that crossed on my mind, and write in on my tumblr. I like to make some postcard with the envelope, poster, and I can edit video and mix music too. I want to learn piano or electric organ maybe, but my mom didn't want me to.

Why I choose accounting program on my study?
For the first time, I hate accounting. Too much numbers, makes me dizzy .__. But my parents want me to be an accountant, it's easy to looking for a job. Even the salary is not much, but I can applied that technic on my future life then. My talent is not on accounting, but I'll try to be success and make my parents proud of me, that's my highest goal :D. I wish I can be as they want me to :(.

Finally, I don't know what I must tell on there. Maybe I want to tell you all about my class on this first level of university. I went to LY Class, I had many classmates that really nice, funny, crazy, but the most of all, I love them all, all of my classmates :). I hopes, we can get best score and we'll graduate on the best score too :D

The last, I want to apologize, if there's a word that's wrong, or what. And my english is very bad. Sorry for that, I'm not good at English.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Just Saying :')

LOL!! It's make me laugh to know how the promise could broke easily. Know that you're not here as i want you to. But you always blame me, like that's all was my fault, like you're innocent. But the truth will tell everyone, who's right. And when you know that, it's too late for you to regret it. That someone could make me smile now.
I didn't want to be selfish. Even I ever be selfish. I never blame you if you can't do like what I want. I never thought you to be anyone else. I love who you are, but you never understand. If I can't be what you want me to, you'll blame me. You'll be silent and I know, you mad at me. I can't do anything, just wait until you don't mad at me.
I didn't want to stuck in past. I want you to learn something. Don't be selfish please. And don't hurt another girls heart and love. Or you'll regret it later...