Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All of my hopes n my feel

You. .
Ever makes me happy. .

Ever makes my tears changed to smile. .

But now. .

U changed back. .
My smile changed to tears. .

Why u must makes me cry?

Why u makes me sad. .

And don't know what word to say. .

You. .

You had hurt my feel. .

Please. . Don't play on me. .
Please. .changed my tears to smile again. .

If u need me. .
I'll be here for u. .

I'll never let u go. .
Until i can't breath again. .

By : Melisa~



Hello Melisa,

Excellent ! Another good poeme.Continue walkinng that path - you'll get there.

Sincerely -Herbert Mouscardy

Melisa Cubbie

rate this too ..


When we met the right person to be loved,
When we are in place at the right time,
That's the opportunity.
When we meet with someone you're interested,
It's not a choice, it's an opportunity.
Met in an event is not an option,
That, too, is an opportunity.

If we decide to love that person,
Even with his faults, was not a chance,
It is a choice.
When we vote together with someone even though whatever happens,
That is the choice. Even when we realize that there are still many others Even more interesting,
smarter, richer than your mate, and still choose to love him,
That is a choice.

M4D3 1N : Nico Alexandros
Really, i like girl, like u. love poems or poetry.

Melisa Cubbie

thank you..

your poetry is better than me..

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